Thursday, August 31, 2006

fallen from grace

Feeding on the strangeness of this land
I took whatever I could get

It gave me sweetness
It gave me pleasure

It gave me pain
It gave me much suffering

It gave me light
It gave me hope

The light it gave was cold
And the sweetness was bland

It gave hope fabricated in darkness
It gave evanescent bliss - titillating but that is all

It took me in...
And preyed upon my soul

Bit by bit it consumed me
Piece by piece it tore me apart

Trembling from within
It left me in a corner

My spirit fades
And my dreams dim

I watch shadows flit through my memory
Eyes open, I search for myself

Who could tell me what love is...
My God... take me into thy embrace...
I have had enough of this uncouth world...

Saturday, August 05, 2006


You broke through me...
Pierced through my very heart...

Ah! But knowing men...
And for what they are...

Love is but an illusion...
A woman's fantasy...

I am not of a weak soul...
I take things as they come and go...

I walk away with my head held high...
This fire does not waver against the raging of the storm.

But know I am not made for such whims...
I meant everything I have said...

I carry this with me to the end...

This flame burns still...
But it keeps none of us warm...