Saturday, December 23, 2006

Pieces of Peace

It has been a while...
I have not been feeling anything that is swooping...
nothing of the highest of highs...
but best of all...
I have not felt low...
Whatever this is...
I am glad I am with you...

"You make me laugh,
You make me smile,
I enjoy spending time with you."

Eyes that sparkle with mischievousness
Quiet as they weave through my troubled mind
Patient as it untangles my spirit bound in weariness

"I like... I like this more..."

Words are not just words...
You never sugar-coat
Plain and simple...
Straightforward and honest...

Yet they are sweeter than anything I have ever had...
They bring happiness that steadies my soul...
Tender and soothing...
As when you gently wrap me in a woolen blanket...
Protecting me from the cold, protecting me from the night...

"Your thoughts are valuable to me as well..."

Simple is your way of bringing joy...
But it is a happiness that lasts...
Not burning... not consuming...

A light flame that warms my lips...
A delicate wave caressing my skin...
Reverent as it beholds my heart...

"... I want you to live longer..."

It is sad to think that he who would not lie...
He who is genuine...
He who would not leave...
Cannot stay...

"I know what to give you next Christmas..."

... it is wonderful to think there will be one...

but for as long as we have here and now...

I want to live in every moment...

share every breath...

till there is no more...


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